This Week's Assignment:

Introduce yourself! How do you know Meg and Ish? Is there anything you would like to share with us?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

About Me!

First, I want to thank Emme for getting this set up! I think it's a great idea, and hopefully we'll actually use it. It's a great and easy way to stay in touch. Thanks Em!

Ok, so this is supposed to be my about me and how I know Ish and I. Well you all know me pretty much, so I'll give you the fun little story of how I know Ish. And for anyone who is wondering (because people always do) Ish comes from Istvan, his middle name which in Hungarian culture is actually his proper first name. Anyway, so I met Ish my senior year. First quarter I was in this awful class called Distinguished Lecturer Series and on the first day of class the teacher, Dr. Corsun, made everyone stand up in alphabetical order by first name around the room so he could learn our names. Perfect way to find out what the cute guy across the rooms name was. Turned out to be Christian, and the search was on. Who was this guy? I had never seen him before, so maybe he was taking the class as an elective from another major. He had longer hair, was a bigger guy, and was loud so I figured he was a hockey player for some reason. I checked the roster, no Christian. What the hell! Who is this guy? Couldn't find him on facebook or myspace, and of course there was no way I was going to talk to this guy who was obviously so much cooler and cuter than I was, totally out of my league. I kept seeing him all over campus, almost every other day when I was crossing Driscoll Bridge, and it was driving me nuts. He stopped coming to class (later I found out he had dropped it pretty early on) so I gave up on ever meeting him. Then, a week or so later, he popped up in the HRTM kitchen, were I was the student kitchen manager. Turned out he was an HRTM transfer student, and was in the class where you have to work a certain number of hours in the front and back of the house. Perfect! I could get to know him AND act cooler than I actually was because I was in charge there, he was on my turf! He turned out to be awesome, and I developed a huge crush on him despite the fact that I was dating someone else (made worse by the fact that my relationship was not serious, and my bf Will and I had an understanding that it would never be serious and we were just having fun, so no strings attached). I started hanging out with Christian outside of work, immediately falling in love with his awesome pup Zelda. Our work crew at that time hung out all the time, so it was an excuse to hang out with him without it being weird. Then, one day he called me and said he was going down to Boulder to pick something up from a friend and wanted to know if I wanted to go with him. I was bored, so I said sure why not I don't want to do homework anyway. Turns out he was tricking me into our first date! He took me to the Sundown Saloon, the bar he used to work at, and to dinner at Brasserie Ten Ten, a great little french place. We played pool, ate at the bar, totally casual and non-datey. Slick. Long story short I broke up with my boyfriend and started really hanging out with Christian, who dropped the bomb on me that I needed to call him Ish now, his real name. My ish's name was Ish! (if you don't know what that means ask me and I'll tell you haha). Still in an undefined thing he invited me up to Steamboat with his family to ski and do post-christmasy stuff so I went, and he finally asked me out for real, and we were officially boyfriend-girlfriend haha. And the rest is history! So yeah, there is my long and drawn out first post. I can't wait to read what y'all have to say!

1 comment:

  1. What a great story! it is so nice to finally get an explanation on the "Ish" "Christian" business. I know you've told me before, but I understand it much better in writing.
    Anyways, Congrats!
